Friday, July 9, 2010

Been a Long Week

This has been the longest week ever! On top of my head hurting and being dizzy on and off every day it has been really busy, and we are packing the office for our move to a new building next week.

I am so tired at the end of the day because it takes so much more effort than normal for me to focus on a task and it takes twice as long to get things done.

Not to worry seems all my side effects are pretty normal for the injury I have, so I'm not too worried about it. Just frustrated that I don't feel totally back to normal yet.

Also frustrated that Mark found that alcohol is one of the biggest road blocks to concussion recovery. It slows the recover down and makes the side effects worse. Great...spending a weekend with my aunt and uncle who have great wine on hand at all times, and going to a concert at a, wine everywhere but not a drop to drink for Jen. :(

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