Friday, March 11, 2011

Race Day Tomorrow

My second 5k is tomorrow! I am looking forward to it. This will be the opposite of the first one I did as the first one was a trail run with a couple of good hill climbs. This one is flat, paved, and we have official timing chips. I'm excited to see how I do.

A little anxious as I have been having leg cramps since Friday the 4th, thanks to the master Zumba class I took! I have been eating a half a banana a day and stretching like mad, but my hamstrings are not happy and they are letting me know about it.

My plan for tomorrow, a banana for breakfast and a half a clif bar in my pocket just in case I need one during the race. The two combine are a lot of potassium, so I hope it helps the legs but does not give me a migraine. Oh the balancing act!

Leg cramps aside I really am excited and looking forward to it.

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