Saturday, December 17, 2011

Post Race Report

I PR'd again!  The race clock said 28:14 or 24 (I didn't really look at the seconds), my GPS said 28:37, but I started it before the race started and stopped it after the timing chip was cut off, so at the very least I was over a minute faster. 

The funny thing is I still don't like this course.  It is a love hate thing, I don't enjoy running it, but it's the only course I have PR'd on, so I'm not sure what to make of that.  I get to do it again in March, which will be after my next 6 week challenge, and I hope a few pounds less so will see if my time gets better.  I kind of don't care though...I did what I wanted the course and not feel like I was going to die at the finish line.  

A few funny facts about me and running:

-I literally have to pee every 5 minutes the 1/2 hour leading up to the race.  Today I just kept going to the end of the line over and over until the race started. 

-Every time Usher plays in my earphones I so want to dance my way down the road.  Would anyone really notice if I just stopped and danced it out?

-I have pant issues.  My under armor leggings are a little bit too big I totally ran out of them today.  I felt them sliding down, but didn't realize how far down they were...thank goodness I had my long Lululemon top on so my butt was not hanging out.  I totally was wishing I had suspenders on!  (At least I know Stroller Fitness is paying off, too bad I found out by my pants almost falling off during a race!)

-I don't like knowing the course...I do better when I don't know the 1/2 way point etc.  Even though my GPS gives me pace and mile updates it still doesn't really register with me how much further it is, and I run better not knowing how much further it is. 

-Sometimes I start singing along with my music.  This is bad, very bad because first of all I don't sing well at all and second I really need to save the extra breath for running.  I always look around hoping no one heard me. 

-I LOVE the final 30 second leading up to the start with the crowd and excitement, unknown potential to PR/have a great race, and figuring out who ahead of me I'm going to chase down or try to keep in sight (I run better when chasing someone faster than me, yet potentially catchable). 

-I pretend that every person cheering loved ones on is actually a big Jen fan and is cheering for me.  I totally steal their encouragement for myself. 

-I can't eat after a race, my stomach is jacked.  I don't know how people eat pizza/clam chowder/drink beer or water for that matter etc after a race.  I need a good 20 minutes to let things settle. 

I'm totally ready to eat now though...time to get ready for dinner with the Beckham's.  I have earned my drinks and dessert tonight!!!

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