Friday, December 16, 2011

A Year of Running

My last race of the year is tomorrow. 

I have mixed feelings about it.  On one hand it's a 5K, I know I can totally do it, on the other it's cold, I'm running alone (which I hate) and it's the course that nearly killed me last March.  Oddly enough the March race was the hardest most difficult race (ran with a migraine thought I was going to black out) yet it's the race I PR'd, a PR that still stands. 

My goal for this race is to get over my very strong dislike of this course.  I'm going to turn the music up and just cruise.  I would like to beet my time since I feel like I'm in the best running shape I have been in all year, but I will consider it a success if I can run this race and get over the negative feelings associated with this race. 

I'm registered for the March race again already and would feel a lot better about it if I can overcome the course tomorrow.  

Looking back I have done 9 races over the last year.  The first one was 1/29/11 last one 12/17/11.  All but two have been 5K's, best time is 29:45 (that is so going down!)  The two non 5K's were 5 mile trail runs both finishing in around 1:11 and 1:09. 

It's really hard to believe I went from "I hate running, I will NEVER be a runner" to running almost a race a month.  My goal for last year was a year of 5K's to figure it all out.  I feel like I have done that.  I know what shoes work, what clothing works, what food works, and how much training I need during the week to maintain and feel confident going into a race.

This last year was a stepping stone year for me.  I have some exciting races on the horizon.  There are some 10K's in there, a couple of 10 mile races, and a 1/2 marathon all on the list. 

My goal is to run a race a month in 2012.  Having said that I have yet to find a race in January that I want to run but I'm working on it, increased mileage means increased race fees - I will only do what we can afford if I have to skip a month then that's what will have to happen, August is too hot and Nov - Jan are too cold, but I'm going to tough it out the best I can. 

This last year would not have been possible without my running partner Michelle.  She has been there for almost every training run and all but one race.  I have loved every mile me have logged together! 

Thank you to my Dad for the never ending support!  I would not be running in comfort without him sending me random packages of clothing and shoes throughout the year.  He always has a word of encouragement and advice just when it is most needed. 

Thank you to Mark for standing in the cold to watch me cross the finish line, staying up all night with Sky the night before races so I can sleep, for always supporting me in every race I have decided to register for!

And, last a BIG thank you to my sister.  She has provided inspiration, motivation, advice, support, training schedules, and I can't say enough how much the encouraging text's race morning have meant.  
I'm so excited to run into the new year and log more miles!!!


popeye said...

The cool thing about running alone is that you can go at whatevr pace presents itself. Under the cnditions of this particular race conditions, which most of the conditions seem to be a negative, what a better time than ever to set a personal best. In so many ways I will be with you tomorrow. I would love to be able to run with you. Having gone through such a devastating injury as I did back in Oct. I had all but given up hope of ever being pain free and able to get back to the level of intensity my fitness life has been identified by. However, I now feel like I will beat the odds and be well again. I so much want to be able to run that course with you. Iwill be thinking of you. My treatments are getting less painful and with better results. I am proud of you.

Susan DeBruin said...

Congrats on a year of running! Good luck on your race tomorrow :)

Unknown said...

Dad - I am actually looking forward to running alone and seeing just what my pace actually is. I have shaved over 20 seconds off my half mile sprints in fitness class and running feels so much easier, so I am looking forward to it.

Susan - Thank you!