Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Dear Sky

One year ago today you changed our lives forever!  I remember looking at your beautiful face for the first time, hearing you cry, holding you in my arms.  It didn't seem real, I could hardly believe you were here and we were actually holding you. 

Sometimes it still doesn't feel real.  It seems like we just brought you home yesterday and yet it feels like you have been part of our family forever.  I don't really remember life before you. 

Thanks to you every day is an adventure that I can't wait to start.  I love getting up every day knowing your smiling face is waiting for me.  It's exciting to see what new and exciting thing you will do.   

I want you to stay small forever, yet I can't wait to see what type of young lady you grow into!  Being your Mommy is the most important and precious gift I have ever been given and I feel honored to be your Mommy! 

Things I love about you right now:
-Singing the ABC's makes you laugh when your crying
-You like hearing your name
-You are thrilled any time you can get someone to clap and cheer for you
-Watching you watch Ellen cracks me up (yes I know I'm a bad mom for letting her watch TV, but there are worse things I could be subjecting her too!)
-Seeing how you interact and play with Reagan and James is fascinating
-You do things on purpose just to make us laugh
-You are supper determined (code for stubborn) and so very much like me!
-You LOVE your Daddy...that is something we have in common
-You are the perfect mix of cuddle and play by yourself for hours at a time
-Easily the best eater I have ever seen.  There isn't anything you won't try and you seem to love everything we have given you, even the spicy and adventurous stuff

I could go on and on. There isn't anything I don't love about you!  I feel like my heart and life is complete and I didn't even know it was missing anything.  But, you fit so perfectly in our life and you are such the perfect little girl for us that I feel so full of love and happiness that I may burst. 

I love you sweet little girl and am thankful every day you found your way to us!

P.S. I'm also thankful to everyone that was praying for us and thinking of us along our journey.  I know there are family and friends of friends that were putting prayers and vibes out there for us.  I may never know who they all were but I'm thankful to them every day! 


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