Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Yeah Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guess what????

Absolutely ZERO, and I mean not even a hint of a twinge of foot pain today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 I had an appointment with my massage therapist on Friday and finally felt like we found the spot/thing that helped.  Still I waited to run/workout until Dad could work on me Tuesday.  He hit some good (translation - me kicking and cursing at him) spots and I felt a difference for sure.

So, today I went to fitness class and we did a lot of sprinting and my foot didn't hurt at all!

I'm so excited!  You know what that means???  I'm back, and I'm back BIG TIME!!  I'm taking my running stuff with me this weekend and will be running while camping.  I will be running next week and the week after, getting ready for Sound To Narrows.  I can't wait to take on 5 mile drive for S2N.  There are a lot of hills, but I don't know...I have a good feeling about it and my friend El has a crazy time goal and I have a crazy dream of keeping up with her.

It's amazing what you can do when a friend is pushing you!

So thankful my foot feels better.  Can't wait to go get my shoes next week!  

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