Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Lessons Learned/Odd Facts/Product Review

First don't forget to check out day two of Beachbody week on my sisters blog!  http://lathamsontherun.blogspot.com/2012/05/beachbody-week-p90x.html

And since this isn't really a running blog, I just happen to be a stay at home mom who runs a lot this will be the last post about my 1/2...I'm still basking in my glory.  :)

Odd facts:
-I blew my nose on my shirt tail a lot!  I don't know why but my nose always drips when I run.  It's actually the best sinus clearer ever!
-I spit a lot too.  Right out in the open, didn't break stride or slow down at all.  The guys behind me yelled "real women spit."  Made me laugh. 

Lessons Learned:
-Chew your energy gummy shot thing before trying to swallow.  Almost choked myself. 
-Don't try to keep running when grabbing the water from the volunteer at the aid station, and don't try to keep running while drinking it.  Water up the nose is not pleasant, and neither is dousing the volunteer or yourself when your not even hot yet. 
-Don't let your stick of glide run out the morning of the race!  I think my blisters have more to do with the fact that I ran out of glide than anything else. 
-Figure out once and for all which button actually stops the GPS/Time tracking on my running watch.  So irritating to see it still running 3 minutes after crossing the finish line. 
-I probably didn't take enough water.  I purposely don't take much fluid during long runs because I don't want to have to pee along the way, and I hate the feeling of liquid sloshing around in my tummy when I run.  But, maybe a little more water would have helped with the leg cramps.   Or maybe not being injured and missing the last 3 weeks of training would have helped as well.  

Product Review:
 -Long Sleeve Shirt - Champion shirt from Costco around $15.  I love all my shirts, but this is the only one I have that doesn't slide up as I run.  I love it because I put it on, start running and never give it a second thought.  I have other shirts that are way cuter, but I have to pull them down constantly.  That's ok for training or short runs, but didn't want to deal with it for the 1/2. 

-Running Skirt - Lululemon Pace Setter Skirt Tall - Love it!  Supper cute, love the swish from the pleats, and the shorts stay in place.  They don't ride up and the leg bands aren't to tight, but stay in place. 

-Socks - Pro Compression Socks- I started out with compression sleeves that I was really happy with, but then saw a 50% off deal for these socks and thought what the heck, I will give it a try.  I already knew from wearing the sleeves that compression for my legs was a must and thought these would help with my blister and tendon issues in my foot.  I don't care how hot it is, I won't run without them.  From the knee down I had zero twinge of pain, my legs feel supper charged with these things!  When I use enough glide inside and out my feet are happy as well.  Plus I put a clean pair on after the race and wore them for a few hours to help with recover.  My legs felt pretty great the day after.  I took an ice bath after too though, so that may have helped as well. 

-Hair - Bicbands - Amazing!  I have tried so many bands to keep the hair out of my face and if they work they look stupid, but most of them don't work anyway.  The slip off my head with all the movement that goes with running.  This thing stayed in place the whole time and it is supper cute! 

-Shoes- Saucony I don't even know which ones.  They are not my fave, but obviously they got the job done. 

-Inserts - Sole - You can heat em up in the oven and get a quick custom fit, or over time they mold to your feet as you wear them. 

-Tank Top (unseen under the long sleeve shirt) - Under $10 from Ross a bazillion years ago before I even started running!  It's the ONLY tank I have (other than good old cotton ribbed ones) that don't slide up while running.  I wear it on almost every run. 

-Fuel -Power Bar Energy Blasts - I eat two every three miles starting at mile 3 or 5 depending on how I feel.  I started at 3 this time, but in training runs I like to wait a little longer since I normally run 5K's without anything. 

-Watch - NB GPS - only issues I have with it are not being able to remember which button is the stop button.  Other than that I love it, and it's way, way, way less than the more popular brands, but works just as well. 

-Music - Sans Disc - Love it!  It's small, holds more music than I will ever run long enough to need at one time, it fits in the gel pocket of my running skirt which I love, plus it gets radio reception, so if I need a change I can listen to the radio.  It has a lock button too so you can't turn it off on accident. 

I wonder why someone doesn't make a one eared headphone for runners?  A lot of runners, myself included, only wear one ear bud so we can hear cars, other people etc while running.  But that means there is an extra ear piece bouncing around that you have to deal with.  I safety pinned mine to my bra, but having stereo sound in one ear would be great! 

I think I have all the "I ran a 1/2" excitement worked out of my system now.   ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, I also learned to pin my number to my skirt so that when I start stripping layers off I don't have to tie stuff on backwards and look silly.