Friday, June 15, 2012

Thankful Friday

I totally forgot yesterday was Thankful Thursday!  I was so excited about registering for the trail run that was all I could think about. 

A day late, but today I'm thankful for a lot! 

-Bob got his dream job offer yesterday and starts his new job July 9th!  Thankful that they don't have to worry about some of the hard decisions they would have ended up facing if he hadn't found a job soon. 

-We are leaving for fathers day camping this weekend, and it's going to be nice! 

-That I'm a mature person, and I did something that was awkward and difficult last night.  Cryptic I know, but that's all I'm willing to say. 

-We have the BEST baby ever.  We were out late watching Bob and a few others play in an all-star softball game, and then went out after to help celebrate the new job.  Didn't get home until 11, and Sky never fussed once.  She is plenty fussy pay back for keeping her out so late. 

-Supper thankful that Mark is a manly man who knows how to do things.  Like weld, and fix things around the house. 

-Really thankful for conversations with people that I don't usually get to chat one on one with.  When you know people through sports teams, or friends of friends you only know one side of them.  It was really nice to just sit and talk and get to know someone a little better last night. 

-Really, really, supper thankful that Sky loves sports!  She had fun sitting on top of the dug out watching the softball games last night and spotting Daddy out on the field as he shot the games.

I have zero running plans this weekend.  We are going to hike tomorrow, so figured that was good enough.  Don't want to push too much too soon.  My foot still feels great and I want to keep it that way!

Have a great weekend!!!

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