Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I'm Fast...Hahaha

Run club tonight, 5.09 miles in 49 minutes, and one of those miles was 8:34!!!  That is crazy fast for me.  I have a feeling my legs will hate me tomorrow at the stroller group run, but I feel like it's good training. 

Still dealing with blisters all the time.  So sick of it.  I get new shoes next month and am contemplating a complete overhaul with inserts and socks.  I just can't keep doing what I'm doing because my feet hurt from the constant blisters.

My shins and calves love my compression socks though, so I hope with new shoes I can keep the socks.  But, if not, they will have to go...I need blister free feet! 

Can I just say ladies...pay up and get the good running bra!  I am in love with mine and am kicking myself for waiting so long!

Ok...enough about running...some Sky pics for you to enjoy. 

She loves the aprons Aunt Candy and Uncle Paul got her and I for Christmas!  Hers was missing for a day so she insisted on wearing mine!  Looks like a dress on her. 

I LOVE this outfit.  It is so cute on her!  Thank you Grandma Jackie!  It fits perfectly!  I tried to get a "good" picture of her in it, but she was not working with me today on that. 

1 comment:

JR said...

This precious little girl warms my heart.