Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sunday Morning Run

Up early and ready to get 6 in the books!  I was kicking myself all day yesterday though.  It was beautiful and sunny out, why oh why didn't we do this yesterday?!  But, given we had 20 plus people in the house for a bbq (Sending Jordan off to the AF!) it was good it was nice so we could spill outside. 

At least it isn't raining, for now anyway.  I am excited for another sunrise run with Elya.  Our last one was so amazingly beautiful that I still can't stop thinking about it.  I may just have to take a photo this time around if it's as pretty as last time. 

Looking forward to the Daytona 500!  Anyone else watching it?  Thank goodness for College Basketball and NASCAR otherwise I would not survive the end of football season! 

I hope it's a safe race with no trips to the hospital for anyone!  Thoughts and well wishes to those injured in the crash yesterday.  I can't imagine how horrific it must have been to see car parts coming at you and not being able to get out of the way.  As a fan at a sporting event you just don't think about things like that  happening.  I hope they all fully recover!   

A few Sky pics...She LOVES her Pooh Bear and she loves to draw.  She is so good at recognizing shapes and basic objects that we draw for her. 

Practicing her Supermodel look, or is that her get your camera out of my face look?

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