Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunny Morning Run

Today started with my alarm going off way too early, but I was looking forward to an "early" morning 5 Mile Drive run with El.  It's really only early because I have to get up so darn early to eat etc before running. 

All I'm going to say is I was late leaving the house and had to stop at the golden arches on the way all because my tummy was upset.  So, it's no surprise I felt like crap most of the run, but we ran it 2 minutes faster than last time.  So, bring on the crappy run I guess. 

Actually I will give all the credit to El, she got my butt up the hills when I felt chills and like I was going to pass out.  Got it done, and it was absolutely beautiful blue sky, sunny, and pretty views of the water.  Lovely way to start the day! 

I was also test running my new running bra.  Moving Comfort Juno.  It's amazing, I LOVE it!  It's tricky to get into, but it's pretty great once you do.

Sky pics from the weekend...

She LOVES being with Mark outside and in the garage.  If he has gloves on then she must have gloves on as well.  They look so silly on her hands and she can't do a darn thing with em on, but it's still adorable! 

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