Saturday, March 30, 2013

Big Sister Time

P.S. - due to the strong reaction from the person that talked smack about my sister she thought it best to remove the post, so the THIS link below won't work.  Her site is still worth checking out though HERE

I have to get this off my's been bothering me for hours.

(Some may find this post odd given the complex situation surrounding our relationship, but given that situation we do not have a complicated relationship.  The contact and communication may be limited, but she is my sister and I love and admire her to pieces.  Bottom line, no matter what I love her simple and uncomplicated.)

So, even though Saturday is our no technology day, that rule gets broken.  Usually while waiting in line at Costco or something like that.  I admit I hop online, on my phone, and read my blog lists.  Well, I was behind a few days and didn't read THIS post on my sisters blog until today. 

I am beyond ticked off!  How dare anyone say anything the least little bit negative about her running/pace.  (Or anyone's running for that matter!) 

That is not what running and runners should be about!  The bottom line is no matter the shape, size, gear, pace, style of a runner there is zero room for judgment or comment about how another person runs.  And, there is zero room to comment on a husband and wife running together even if that means one is finishing slower than they would running alone. 

It is not anyone else's business!  And, at least they are out there running.  Who cares if it's a 7 min mile or a 14 min mile. 

Maybe it's because she has been my best friend since I was 2 1/2 (she is 2 1/2 years younger) or maybe it's because I know how she grew up, what she went through (no that is not directed at our parents in the least), what it took for her to let herself fall in love and marry her husband, and how hard she works at being the amazing mother and wife that she is. 

I also know the agonizing hours of workouts and runs they put in together to loose hundreds of pounds and start leading a healthy life. 

I hope the thoughtless person who made the comments can feel my anger radiating all the way down to SanFran!  They are lucky I live clear up here in WA! 

Sis - You are an amazing, strong woman and runner.  You do what you need to, do it your way and (pardon me) F them!  The only thing that matters is you, Brian and the kids. 

I love you, admire you, and hope that some day I can run the pace you do, for as long as you do.

(I feel so much better...blogs are like magic!)

Oh, and BTW, if you enjoy running blogs her blog is worth checking out.  She is so honest and open about her runs, pace, feelings.  It's inspiring! 

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