Monday, March 11, 2013

Race Recap - Foothills Dash 2013

What a fun run this was!  Price $16 for the 10K, there was also a 5K and 1 mile kid dash.  For the price I'm not sure why every runner in the area isn't doing this race! 

There were a few hundred people at most.  It's very small, but very well organized.  Packet pick-up was smooth, the shirts (even though I didn't get one) were way cool, the bathroom line got long right before start time, but I don't think it was enough to complain about, and there was plenty of oranges and granola bars at the finish line.   

The course is beautiful running along the river with views of Mt. Rainier, very flat, passing other runners was no problem at all.  It's a certified course with aid stations at the 5K turn around and the 10K turn around.   

The only complaint I can come up with is no timing chip.  I like having that official finish time rather than a stop watch and taking the bottom half of my bib as I cross the finish.  Also not sure if they are emailing the results or posting on the FB page.  Regardless I kinda don't care...that is what GPS watches are for right?!  My watch said 56 and some change, my goal was under an hour and I did it, so I'm very happy! 

  Elya and I pre-race.  We both PR'd!!!
One of the thing I love about running with Elya is that she is totally ok with each of us running the race we need to for ourselves.  We stayed together until a little over halfway and then settled into the pace that worked for us and ran alone. 
I have found that no matter what the distance is there is a point in every race that you just want to be done or start thinking oh just stop and walk what difference does it make.  Miles 4.5 to almost 6 were hard.  I was pushing my pace, alone, and since I didn't know the course (even though it was an out and back I still didn't really know where I was in relation to the finish line) I started to feel like it was never going to end because I had no idea where the finish line was.  I had my watch and it tells me the miles so I know in numbers how far I had to go, but visually nothing looked familiar and since it was a small race there was no fanfare leading up to the finish. 
Three things got me through: 
1 - My entire outfit/gear was given to me.  Shirt/skirt/socks/MP3 player from Dad.  He either picked them out himself or I got them with $$ he gave me. GPS watch and shoes were from Fleet Feet, one of the benefits of organizing the stroller group for them.  Running with all that love and support kept me going. 
2 - Heidi, instructor from the stroller fit class I took at the Y, used to yell at us that she wanted us to run until we literally could not put one foot in front of the other.  "I can't means you can't physically move!"  I kept hearing Heidi's voice asking, "Can you keep putting one foot in front of the other?  Yes...then move your ass!"  For the record I never heard her say ass in class, but during the race (and during a lot of my runs in general) that it what I hear her say.
3 - The young kid running in front of me.  At some point I started thinking I could catch him and it gave me something to focus on.  It forced me to keep pushing my pace.  It started a chain reaction, once I was past him I kept picking the next target and passing them.  Once I pass someone I'm determined to stay in front of them.   
I checked my watch more this race than any I have done before.  I had a plan, I knew what pace I wanted us to be at the first few miles and what not to drop below so we would finish in under an hour.  It was good to know that when I felt like we were running 8:15 we were indeed running 8:15.  How fast my body and mind felt we were running always matched what the GPS said we were running.  It's nice to know that I'm getting comfortable enough in my stride and mechanics that it's becoming more intuitive.  During the longer runs, 10 plus miles, I hate checking the watch...I just don't want to know, so feeling it becomes more important. 
I will absolutely be doing this one again next year!  I have a PR to beat now!  :)
And, since it's been a few days with no Sky pic here you go...

Awesome table manners no?



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