Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thankful Thursday

I have said it before, but I'm going to say it again...I am so very, very thankful for my jogging stroller! 

I still have the bib from this race out on my dresser...still makes me smile to remember crossing the finish line with her in our first race together!

I LOVE running with the best little running partner ever!  Sky is happy in this thing for a good hour.  Seriously in all the miles she has logged with me I remember two runs that she was fussy.  She fusses less than I do when we run! 

The last few weeks she has been sick with a cold and nasty little cough, which means we have been home a lot!  But, that doesn't mean that Sky isn't pulling her hair out from being stuck inside.  It's also been pretty rainy so playing outside hasn't really been an option.  Normally we don't care about that, but when she is sick it seems wrong to let her play in the rain. 

Thank goodness for the jogging stroller!  The only outings she has really had, aside from the park the other day, have been runs with mommy.  Since it's fully enclosed the rain doesn't matter, and with the windows all the way around she loves watching things fly past as I'm pushing her.  It's a great change of pace for both of us!  Plus, it means I don't miss the Stroller Group on Wednesday's.   

The feeling of freedom I get from having the stroller is priceless!  No matter how high gas prices get this summer (I try to drive less during peak gas price season) no matter if my car craps out on us (it feels like a day to day thing as of late)...with the stroller there are plenty of things within running distance from the house.  Plus, since it is fully enclosed weather isn't an issue.  I run rain, snow, sleet and ice, and so does Sky!   

And, I'm pretty sure if I plan a park break in the middle of a run I could get 1 1/2 to 2 hours of running out of her.  I have a feeling with three 1/2's this summer I may need to do some of the longer training runs during the week, with Sky, especially once camping and vacation time come around.     

Sorry if I sound like a broken record, but Sky and running are two big parts of my day-to-day, stay at home life, and thanks to this stroller the two fit together perfectly.  I'm thankful for it, and thankful that my Dad was able to support my running and staying home by getting it for us! 

P.S. - Another thing I'm thankful for today...Michelle invited me to go to the Alicia Keys and Miguel concert tonight in Seattle with her!  I LOVE Miguel...he opened for Usher when we saw him and Miguel had our attention for sure!  I will be breaking my no drinks past Wednesday rule when I have a weekend race, but I think it will be worth it.  I will just hydrate like crazy Friday so I'm ready to PR Saturday! 

P.P.S - Running with a stroller tip #1.  Make sure the tires are pumped up properly!  I checked them yesterday to find them at 20 PSI...they are supposed to be between 40-65 PSI.  No wonder my last run with the stroller felt like I was pushing the darn thing through wet cement!  Had a much smoother run yesterday with properly inflated tires! 

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