Thursday, February 27, 2014

Ready To Run!

I am ready for 8 early morning miles tomorrow!

Yes I use Sky's booster seat to stage my early morning running gear.  The fact that adidas is in the picture means it's a long run, and I'm actually looking forward to it! 

Remember numbers are all relative...8 miles is legit!  For half training you're over half way to the finish when you hit 8, and every time I get 8 under my belt in a training cycle I feel good.  It's my stop stressing, I can do this moment mile wise. 

It's early (even though I've had early runs that this!) in the morning, which is why all my running gear/clothing is on the kitchen table/Sky's seat, I don't like to wake Mark up so I get dressed and ready to go in the dinning room.  Curtains and shades are closed, so no peaking!  ;-p 

After the run is done it's a quick shower and then Sky and I hit the road to visit the E side of the state.
Call me lucky, lazy, or smart but somehow I get to go away for the weekend while Mark and my sis-in-law finish painting the inside of the house.  I'm incredibly thankful that Amy is willing to take time away from her busy homestead to help Mark!  In my defense it will be so much easier to get the job done if Sky is not underfoot, but still I realize I'm getting the easy side of the deal here!

Speaking of Sky I'll leave you with a Sky pic since I won't be posting while I'm away.

  Watching Despicable Me 2 on her Nabi.

Even though I won't be blogging I'm sure I will still be taking plenty of photo's, so if you want to see what Sky and I are up to follow along on Instagram and/or Twitter...links to the Right!

Have a great weekend and I'll catch you on the flip side! 

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