Sunday, March 9, 2014

It Just Got Real!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!  I got a little caught up in life and just didn't think to blog, since Thursday! 

I finished a book, started a new one, and spent a ton of time playing with Sky and keeping her happy indoors while the weather was cruddy.   We were actually pretty busy, so I just skipped anything that involved firing up the laptop.

Anyway, today was a much needed break from the rain!

 First Skirt Run Of the Season!  White legs!

You would think I forgot how to run in a skirt because it bugged the heck out of me the whole 10 miles.  I was tugging, pulling, stopping all the time to adjust...I'm a rookie. 

So thankful we caught a break with the weather, and ran in the sun with only a few rain drops at the very end.  

10 miles does mean that ice baths are back in my life.  Ice baths = that's when running gets real folks!  I totally forgot how horrific the first 60 seconds are.  After that though you're numb and don't feel the cold anymore.  My knees and hips felt so much better after the bath and foam rolling.  I'll trigger point in the morning, after things settle down a bit.  

The only bummer is that my Garmin took a dump after the run.  This is the 5th or 6th time it has lost all the data.  By now I know how to do a factory reset, so we shall see how it works next run.  It 50% makes me want to replace it with one that's better and 50% makes me not trust Garmin.  :-/

I was happy to hit 275 in my Energy Boost's and they still feel brand new!  I am so happy with those shoes...seriously I'm over half way to when most people replace their shoes, and mine still feel pretty darn great!     

A quick shout out to Elya, who is 10'ish (I think it's a few more than that, but not sure how much more) weeks out from baby, and every week she is running a new post-baby personal best for our speedy run, and a new longest distance as well.  She is going to kick butt race day, I'm so excited for her!
We were going to end up being two miles short on the training plan this week, so opted for a Friday morning run with the kiddos.  We needed something easy after speed work and before long run! 

 Flying like birds.  Sky was so happy to have other kiddos to run after.

After that it was a Starbucks date for Sky and I, thanks to Michelle!  She sent me a gift card via Facebook!  
Cake pop, coffee = we are both happy!

Obviously the coffee was mine and not her's because she crashed as soon as we got in the car.  She doesn't take naps in her bed, only in the car, if at all.  I don't love this whole no nap thing, but I'm working with it.  The upside is she asks to go to bed at 7pm, so I can't complain too much.  

A last cute Sky pic from the weekend...this girl loves her dress up!

  That is a big stuffed dog...thank you Grandma Val!  She was so happy to have her doggy and her "Princess Sophia" dress.

Ton's of races this weekend!  I feel like running season has started, not that it ever totally ends, but there are so many races every weekend during the spring/summer and I love it!  

Who ran or raced this weekend?  How did it go?

Tell me something fun you did this weekend!
Sky and I had multiple dance parties!



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