Monday, March 17, 2014

Top O The Mornin To Ya!

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!  I hope you find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow today! 

There were tons of races and parties this weekend...I hope everyone enjoyed the festivities!  I know I sure did!  
 Elya and I at the Tacoma St. Paddy's Day Run 5K

Elya and I kicked things off with a long run Friday night, and a pub run mixed in for good measure!  I wasn't sure how running 8 Friday night and 3 Sat morning would work out given how my legs have been feeling, but it ended up being fine.  Walking Wednesday instead of running (and dedication to my foam roller and trigger pointing) worked wonders! 

 Low light/blurry pub photo's.

We got 4 in on our own before meeting the group, and then ran 2'ish miles to The Parkway, and 2'ish miles back to the store.  Funny thing...our two fastest miles were the post beer miles! 

I got to test out the new adidas Energy Boost 2 and am in love!  I will do a post about them in a day or two in more detail, but for now you can see them in the top right picture.  Elya and I in the ladies, and Collin's foot in the men's.  I love the raspberry pink much fun!

  Collin used my phone to take a selfie. 

I'm not going to lie, the 8 miles Friday night made Saturday's 5K a bit of a challenge.  I just focused on keeping up with Michelle the best I could.  It was a just for fun race, but still we were keeping a good pace, and it's a bit more hilly than is billed.  By the time we hit the hill up to the finish line (that's just mean by the way) my legs were done.  There was just nothing left in them.  I had to get stern with myself and force myself to keep up the pace and chased Michelle across the finish line.  Thankfully I had her to run with, otherwise I may have been tempted to slack off big time during this race.  
Ready to run!

Finished in 29:27.  Not my best time for a 5K, but I'm really happy with it given the hills, and the miles/beer from the night before.  Elya finished strong too, with a PR I think!  Not bad for tired legs! 
It was a really fun, festive race, and very well organized.  Most people dressed up and everyone was having a good time.  I LOVED the soup served at the Fleet Feet VIP tent (for run club members, training program participants) after the race.  Even though it had broccoli in it (I'm one of the few runners that despises broccoli and refuses to eat it...can't even stand the smell of it) I still loved it!  All the garlic killed the broccoli smell/flavor.  It was really yummy! 

After the morning 5K we hit up Bob and Michelle's St. P Day party that afternoon.  Oddly I didn't take a single picture.  Sky had a blast though running around with the other kiddo's and playing dress up! 

Sunday was truly a day of rest.  My quads were a bit sore, so I rolled them, and while I got a ton done around the house, I moved pretty slow and was careful to take breaks and sit as much as possible to give the old legs a break.  

This week is the highest mile week of the cycle, then it's time to bring on the taper and head into Whidbey Island with fresh, ready to run legs!  Getting excited!  

P.S. I was really excited to stick around after the 5K and watch the 1/2 leaders finish.  I got to see Amy blaze across the 1/2 marathon finish line in great time!  Stay tuned for a pre-Boston interview later this week/early next week.  I tend to interview her after the big race, this time I'm doing it before to change it up!  I'm putting questions together for her now, so if you have anything you would like to ask her shoot me an email, or leave a comment!  You can check out Amy's previous interviews (about Chicago and running in general) HERE and Here and all about Boston last year HERE

Who ran this weekend...What fun race/run did you do?  

Any PR's out there?


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