Wednesday, November 23, 2011

6 Week Challenge SUCCESS!!!

Today was the last day of the Stroller Fitness 6 week challenge.  We re-took all our measurements, then let the kid's play while we ate some yummy food pot luck style.

Before I share my numbers I just have to say...I ROCK!  I feel so good about the improvements, some of the numbers didn't change a lot, one didn't change at all, but I still feel really good about my results!  It's a hard class, yet I love going, love knowing I'm going to be sore after, and love feeling strong and healthy.  Plus, Sky seems to enjoy it and has gotten so much better about being around "strangers".  

The best part is there are some really great people in the class.  I have a whole new group of people to run with and have made new friends. 

As far as cheese goes...I miss it a little, but not enough to start eating it every day again.  Once in a while is fine, but I will not be buying it to have on hand as a snack anymore. 

And now for the numbers:

Start of the 6 Weeks - End of the 6 Weeks
Hips: 40 1/4 - 39 1/2
Chest: 37 3/4 - 37
Bicep: 10 1/2 - 10
Thigh: 22 1/2 - 22 1/2 - given the leg workouts we do I thought this would actually increase!
Waist: 35 1/2 - 33 1/2
Weight: 154 - 149
Body Fat %: 26.5 - 24.9

Pull Up Attempts: 5 - 9 - still can't do a full one, but at the beginning of the challenge those 5 attempts were just a slight movement, the 9 I did today were half'ish pull ups. 
Sit Ups in 1 minute: 18 - 27
Pushups in 1 minute: 7 - 12
Air Squats in 1 minute: 20 - 40 - this would be why my leg's didn't get smaller!
Running 8 laps around the track: 5:58 minutes - 5:37 minutes - this may be the improvement I'm most excited about!!!  I think this class has done more for my running than my running has done for my running. 

Now for my reward, trip to Bellevue to visit the Lululemon store!  I love their athletic/running clothing and can't wait to visit the store in person!  I may only be able to afford a pair of socks, but I don't care, I'm going to have fun trying stuff on! 

I'm not the only one that has made friends in class....

Sky and Reagan are the exact same age and are so darn cute playing together!  It took about 10 pictures, and Jodi (Reagan's Mom) laying on the floor in front of them to get one with them both looking in the same direction as the same time.  :) 

Now to maintain through the Holiday's and get ready for the 8 week challenge in January! 


Jodi said...

Way to go! I was also very happy with my results. I think we need to challenge each other over the holidays or something. . . cute picture of the kiddos.

Unknown said...

YES! Lets do our own challenge! I am not willing to undo all my hard work just because it's the Holiday's! I'm totally willing to give something up between now and Jan 1st. Plus, need to stick to the workout schedule and at least walking on the off days.

So give up beer or latte's? I tried giving up beer along with the cheese, but I still had a is a tough one, but so is latte's.