Saturday, November 12, 2011

So Excited...

Most of you know I have been doing a 6 week challenge and I have been really good about sticking to it.  I have made all but one workout, have been running more during the week, and sticking to the no cheese thing, for the most part. 

Considering I ate cheese every day I think the three times I have had it the last 5 1/2 weeks is a huge improvement.  And, I want to note it was justifiable cheese eating!  When out and about or over at friends if the only option, or most healthy option, means eating cheese then I go with it.  I don't like to impose my eating habits on others and while I'm really good about keeping healthy snacks in my purse, sometimes you get caught out when you don't expect it, and if the healthiest option is some cheese slices and fruit and veggies, then so be it. 

I am feel great from the workouts.  Sore, but in a good way.  I don't feel like I want to die during a workout any more, I just want to push and do more.  I have trouble with burpees, they really bother my shoulder.  I know it looks like I'm slacking when it comes to those, but it's a fine line of pushing myself right to the edge of doing damage.  40 or 50 of those in a row and I can hardly lift my arm over my head because my shoulder is killing me in a bad way, not a I got a good workout way. 

I still don't know that I will be able to do a pull up at the end of this, but I am able to get half way up with a little leg swinging to give me momentum. 

Here is what I'm excited about...I have lost 5 lbs!  The only reason I'm excited about that is that now instead of having to put the heavy bottom slider thing on 150, it is now just on 100 and then I can use the top smaller slider to finish the measurement!  That makes me feel really great!!!

One more full week of the challenge next week, then a final workout the following Monday and final measurements the Wednesday before Thanksgiving! 

Here is an example of what our workouts can look like...

The blue numbers are the full workout which should take 50 to 60 minutes, the lighter numbers next to them are how to cut the workout if you can't get through the whole thing.  I went for the full workout and made it through the toes to bar, did half the sprints, skipped the pull-ups because I really wanted to give the bear crawl a go...that was so hard I wanted to cry!

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