Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Easing Back Into It

I still feel sea sick today.  This really sucks.  I so want to push it and run, but since I still stagger a bit and get waves of dizziness that require me stopping everything and deep breathing, I'm easing back into it.

At this point I have missed the 3 and 4 mile runs I was supposed to do this week.  I hope tomorrow to get 4 or 5 in (depending on how I feel) and then do 8 on Saturday.  I have to get the 8 in for sure.  I am not letting anything get in the way of my long runs every week.  I need the confidence that comes with completing longer distances.

Thankfully I did 8 the week before vacation, so I at least know I can run 8.  It won't feel great after having over a week off, but it is what it is.  I did manage to get 5 total miles in on the cruise.  9 laps for a dizzy running in such a small circle, but it felt good to get some miles in.  Plus, we walked a lot, so I felt pretty good about my activity level while gone.

Apparently Sky is still feeling out of sorts as well.  She has been nothing but one big needy, whining mess who wants to constantly be held, won't play by herself, and refuses to hold her own bottles.   I'm giving her this week to get back on track after that the tough love kicks in. 

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