Monday, April 30, 2012

Last Run Before the Race

I went on my last run before the 1/2 this morning.  Was just a short little test run to see if my foot was any better after resting it and treating it all week.  It isn't better.  It hurt from the very first step. 

But, you know what it's ok.  Pain is proof of life, and I would rather have a pain in my foot, than lose the use of my foot.  I'm still going to have an easier time running my race than some people who race do.  It's all a matter of perspective right?!

I am pretty confident that a few miles in, once I'm settled into my pace and the race day jitters are settled down I will be able to block out the pain and just run. 

I'm supper excited and feel ready.  I did all the training, my conditioning is what it needs to be, I have new music on the MP3 player, my outfit is ready.

I saw the forecast for Sunday...62, clear and sunny...PERFECT running weather!!  I am thankful for that at least!

P.S. - Mark  called and suggested I see about a cortisone shot.  At this point it's too late for treatment, so I'm opting for quick fix just to get through the race.  I have an appointment in the morning to talk to my Dr. about the shot.  After Sunday, "for real" treatment/rehab begins.  I have a month until my next race to work it out.   

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