Saturday, December 15, 2012

Santa Ran Tacoma!

 Elya and I waiting for the start.
We did it! 
Notice the Christmas ribbon weaved in the spokes?  That's as close to running in costume as I get!
I had so much fun running today!  Thank you to Elya for running with me and dodging the masses as we whizzed past people, trying not to run them over with the strollers.  It's the first time I have run this section of road, in any of the races that have included this particular section, that I did not have a mental break down of any kind.  I have totally lost on this stretch many times.  But, not today...didn't phase me one little bit!  I was happy, felt great, and having fun! 
Crossing that finish line with Sky felt pretty amazing.  I had to fight for control.  I was just so happy to have her with me, have my friends running the same race, feel good running it, and feel like I concurred a course that has haunted me. 
Shout outs:
Alex who ran his fist 5K today in 23:57!  Dude you killed it out there.  I was so excited when I saw you coming back at me after the turn around!
Michelle who said she would stick to a 9:30-10 pace...girl did it in 27:20, which is a PR!!! 
Elya who was pushing two kiddos finished in 30:27 and that is a double PR...for her 5K time period and for a 5K with her kiddos!!! 
Sky and I finished in 30:19.  Which I feel pretty bad ass about! 
Lesson learned...don't start in the hard to get around people, slowed Elya and I down a lot.  Next time I'm with the stroller I'm starting near the front and people can try and pass me! 


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