Monday, November 25, 2013

Sick Day

There really isn't much to say about yesterday other than I felt like crap and took a sick day from blogging.  Truth be told I took a sick day from doing anything other than watching football, in pj's, under a blanket, with a heating pad all day long.

Sky was stuck with a sick me, a not feeling so great Daddy who was also working on the master bath all day, and zero outside play time.  Not a great combo for a 2 1/2 year old to be happy with.  But we all muddled through somehow.

I'm lucky really that she is in such a cuddle all day with Mommy stage.  While she needs active play time, she is constantly asking to cuddle and be hugged, so we watched football together and looked at books all day long.

Since I didn't feel up to taking her outside and standing around in the cold while she played I brought her slide inside!  She was so excited, in fact every time she got to the top and was ready to slide she said, "I'm super duper excited to slide"!
She loves being held upside down.  I have no idea why, but she watched almost a whole half of football upside down.

This little desk is perfect for snacks, lunch, and yes even dinner while watching football.  We don't usually eat, snacks or meals, while watching TV, but it was football Sunday, I was sick and didn't want to get off the couch, and there were some really good games on, so we broke the rules.

Taking it easy today.  I really, really want to get a run in, but I'm feeling better and don't want a set-back.  So another day of rest, although I do feel good enough to let Sky get some play time in, and taking it easy.

Happy Monday everyone, I hope you all had amazing weekends!

Tell me something fun you did over the weekend!

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