Monday, November 11, 2013

Weekend Fun!

First let's take a moment to thank all those who have served this country, and are currently serving.  And, let's not forget their families and the sacrifices they have made back home.  Thank You for all that you do!

We spent the weekend in Portland with our friends Lesley and Trevor, and had so much fun!  Mark saw a show on Food Network that featured a specific restaurant in Portland and he decided a weekend with friends and amazing food was what he wanted for his birthday.  We shopped, toured Portland, visited Powell's, rode the Street Car and the Sky Tram, had amazing dinner at Olympic Provisions, and spent lot's of time chatting and just having a good time. 

The only bummer is Sky came home sick, so I really only have time to share some quick pics before she wakes up.  It's going to be a day full of snuggles and taking care of her.  But, at least Mark is off today as well, so we can tag team it. 

I will do a full restaurant review and post Mark's pics soon! 

We started out Friday at the Children's Museum in Olympia.  We won a 6 month membership and activated it Friday, and let her burn some energy before hitting the road. 
After all the play time we need some lunch before leaving town.
 Walking the street of Portland together.
Above - enjoying the Sky Tram and Below - having fun on the Street Car, which she called the train.

Watching the Mississippi St. game together. 
 There is a remodel going on at the house and the above pictures was her attempt at taking a nap with the racket going on.  Below was how she spent part of the ride home. 
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!!!  I'll post food pics and more about the restaurant as soon as I can! 
P.S. - Friends and family in the Olympia area...Sky and I will be visiting the museum once a week, so I will be hitting you up to see who want's to join us!  

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