Friday, December 13, 2013

1,000 Posts Later....

...and I'm still here.  Yep, that's right today is my 1,000 post on the blog!  If I were a real blogger there would be glitter, confetti and fireworks, and I would have a totally awesome giveaway lined up for you.  But, I don't.  The only thing I have is more cute Sky pics and my usual ramblings about life and running.

(The very first post right, sad little post.  My how things have changed)!

Speaking of running, tomorrow is my last race of the year!  It's kind of funny to me that my last race of the year always seems to be a 5K, and I kind of despise 5K's.  Just not my favorite distance to run at all.  But, it's the Santa run and it's always a lot of fun.  The best part is this year I have Sky's 1K to look forward to after I finish.

I have gone back and forth on how I'm going to run tomorrow.  My original plan to run with my cousin has fallen through due to an injury, so now I'm running solo.  Since that doesn't happen often for me, at this distance, I think I'm going to go for a PR.  I'm just shy of 5K PR pace when I run with Sky, without even trying really...just running at a pace that feels good, so it makes me think I have a PR in me running solo. Given that I haven't put any true effort into speed work I could be totally wrong about my ability, but I'm going for it.

Even though my 2014 running goal is to PR all my distances I would be perfectly happy getting the 5K done early, and focusing on the longer distances in 2014.  Shout out to Michelle and Grace as they are running Graces first 5K.  And, a shout out to Kiera as it will be her first 1K!  Love the little runners we are raising!

Yesterday Sky spent her time running around the children's museum.  Until she found the nursery and then all she wanted to do was hold her baby and feed it.  The sad tears she had when I told her she needed to let the other kiddo's have a turn just about broke my heart.  It must of broke hers to because she was done playing after that.  All she wanted was to go home.

She loves pretending to drive that old truck, it's the first thing she runs to every time we visit the museum.  The Lego wall and train table are close seconds.  I'm wondering though if the nursery is going to become the new favorite.  She looks so serious!

What's your favorite distance to run?  

Mine is the 1/2 for sure.  Just long enough to be challenging but not so long that I want to give up (unless it's See Jane, I still have bad dreams about that race!).

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