Tuesday, December 31, 2013

That's a Wrap 2013!

It's time to say goodbye to 2013 and ring in 2014!  I'm ending and starting with a run of course!  Sky and I are headed to the park for a last 2013 run, and tomorrow morning Michelle and I will ring in 2014 with our first run of the year!  I'm not going to lie, I'm a little scared to take on 5 Mile Drive.  I'm just not back from all the food and time off last week.  I know it's going to hurt, but what a good way to kick my butt back into running shape.

The only reason I would agree to a morning run is because we don't have party plans this year.  We did our normal PJ party with friends last year and it was kind of a disaster.  Sky was up until 11 or so and we were all cranky the next day because of it.  So this year we cancelled the party and are taking her to Zoo Lights and coming home to watch a movie instead.  Totally low key, just how I like it!

I'm really looking forward to all the college bowl games!  We are particularly exited about the Mississippi State game today!  Thankfully Mark works from home since it's an early afternoon game.  I love NY Day and all the games.  I'm dating myself, but I actually remember when all the bowl games were played NY Day, back before there were a million different bowl games!

A couple of Sky pics, so this post isn't 100% text:

Watching cartoons with her horse.

Ok, just get ready for ton's of new outfit pics on the blog.  Sky had some Christmas money that was specifically for new cloths.  I took her to H&M yesterday and hit up the post-Christmas sale and she got lot's a cute stuff.  She picked most of it out herself too, including the shoes in this picture.  She would not let go of them and cuddled with them the rest of the day.  

So tell me:

What are your New Years Eve Plans?

What are your New Years Resolution(s)?

Two things that would have been good resolutions, but I just couldn't wait until the 1st:
-Monthly workout challenges.  I know I need to focus on cross training and strength training more than I do, and the 30 day challenges make it really easy!  It has been going really well and I plan on continuing that into 2014.  January is going to be Pilates 4 x a week on top of my normal running days.

-Cleaning up my email subscriptions.  Holy cow was I getting a ton of emails that I never even bothered reading.  I should have counted how many email lists I unsubscribed to, but it was at least 30!  Yikes, that's a lot of junk email and a lot less time spent reading emails I don't care about/deleting emails that I never will read.

Predict the winner of the Florida State vs Auburn game!  
I'm going with Auburn by 3 points.

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