Monday, July 29, 2013

8 Hot Miles

Before I get to the 8 mile run I must share what Mark did for Sky while we were in E WA! 

Mark is a Craigslist pro!!!  He sells tons of stuff we don't need and buys stuff that we need or want for great prices!  And, sometimes he scores really awesome stuff for FREE!!!! 

Behold...Sky's custom play set...

...Mark was able to build the play deck over the retaining wall and shortened the swing part from 3 down to 2 so it took up a little less room.  There is a picnic table under the covered fort and Sky's sandbox fits under the slide perfectly. 
Did I mention it was FREE!!!  If you don't use Craigslist you should!  (Yes I know there have been some Craigslist related violence and even murders.  We are one comes to the house if at all possible.  It the item is too big and they have to come to our house rather than meet somewhere we are always armed and make sure we are both home.  If we have to go to their house instead of meeting again we are armed and ready to call 911.  We also are not selling high end items which cuts down on those that have ulterior motives.)
Clearly she loves it!!! 


Mark priced a similar play set with the same components at Lows at $1,000...our cost $10 for the bolts he needed to secure it.  Mark had all the needed wood and boards on hand to replace the ones that were rotted or not as sturdy.
Sky has been playing on it non-stop!  She loves the swing and spends most of her time asking to be pushed. 
Saturday late afternoon Michelle and I ran 8 miles, in the hottest part of the day.  After the issues I had at See Jane I felt like I need to run in the heat to try and work out my issues.  It worked, sort of.  We were going to run at 6, but Michelle was able to bump it up to 5 and even though I had just had something to eat I decided to go for it.  My stomach didn't appreciate that decision very much.  Let's just say that I probably ruined any runners chance of every using the minute mart bathroom on 27th ever again.  Don't bother asking! 
Aside from that it went well.  I felt so much better than at See Jane.  Granted it was only 8 miles, but by 8 miles at See Jane I was ready to DNF, so I'm glad I felt good at the end of 8 this time around. I wore a visor, drank about 9 oz of Nuun during the run and felt pretty good.  I wore my compression socks and felt too hot, but my shin splints flared up, so felt it was necessary.  Still not sure if I'm going with or without compression Sat.  That will be a race morning decision. 
I have some exciting new gear and Michelle and I decided to have some fun and go with matching outfits...I will share pics later in the week.  Oh, did I mention that Michelle decided to run this 1/2 as well?  I can't remember if I posted that on the blog or not.  So I will have company and am so excited and thankful that we are running another 1/2 together!  It's going to be a fun day!

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