Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Unexpected Fun

Mark sent a text today saying pick me up at 3:30 we are going to Seattle!  I don't pass up opportunities to spend time in Seattle with my Babe and my Baby!  The traffic is irritating enough that it keeps us away unless we have no other choice, yet I really do love the city. 

Plus, Mark's road trip is coming up soon, so we were not about to miss out on our last chance for a family date night.   

REI is like outdoor store Disneyland.  We could spend so much time in there!

Sky making sure her sandals work on the shoe testing trail while wearing the new hat she just had to have. 

After a little shopping at REI (Sky got more stuff than we did!) we hit up the Crab Shack for some sea food.  There is something really fun about eating with your hands, wearing a big, and whacking your food with a mallet!  Sky loved, and I mean loved, the corn on the cob!

Seriously had a lovely day today!  Got 3 miles of run/walking in with the stroller group which was just what I needed for my sore knee.  And, to think I thought I was going into this race injury free.  But this knee has me worried.  :(

Anyway it's always a good day when it starts with a run and ends with having an unexpected family date afternoon with my two favorite people. 

Going to be a very busy day tomorrow, so Happy 4th.  Have fun, stay safe! 


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