Sunday, July 21, 2013

Weekend Fun

While I really toyed with the idea of getting a quick little (unauthorized) run in, I opted for a weekend of non-running fun instead. 

Friday night started with Mark scoring a free (yes I said FREE) play set for Sky!  I'm talking one of the nice wooden ones with swings, climbing wall, slide, fort, picnic table underneath the fort, and a seesaw horse swing thingy. 

While Mark was off taking the thing apart and loading it in his truck Sky and I enjoyed play time in the yard.  I actually feel bad because it took him 3 ish hours and two trips to get it and he did it all by himself.  But, we now have a really cool structure that Mark can modify to fit our yard perfectly!

Yes, that's Sky through the wine glass.
Saturday Sky was thrilled to have a sleep over with Grace and Kiera.  It's was Grace's pizza party night that we gave her for Christmas.  Yes, it took us until July to find a weekend that worked!  YIKES!!! 

 Mark, Sky, Giant Pooh Bear, and Kiera watching Peter Pan.

It took Sky a little bit to warm up to having others in her sand box.
I had fun opening my very first Birchbox!  For $10 a month you get a sample box of beauty products that you can customize to your preferences.  I toyed with the idea of subscribing to Birchbox for a while.  It came highly recommended from Jodi, but being on a single income having a frivolous monthly expense seemed not smart.  But, I figured I can come up with $10 a month to try some really nice beauty products, and I can always skip a month if need be.  It took about 4 weeks of waiting on a list to be invited to join and then about 3 weeks to get my first box.  I was so excited and have already used all but two things in my box!  You can check out Birchbox HERE 
Today we went to NW Trek with the Beckham's.  Sky had a blast running around and seeing Bison, Moos, Elk, Dear, Mountain Goats, Big Horn Sheep, Caribou, and Swans among other things. 
Look at that curly hair!!  So much fun to brush.  :(  Sky was not loving having her picture taken today below is her "No cheese" face which is what she says when she does not want her picture taken.

I'm stretching and trigger pointing the rest of the day, oh and probably drinking some wine too.  Starting tomorrow it's back to strength training and running.  1/2 #2 is going to be here before I know it!!!!

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