Thursday, April 2, 2015

Thankful Thursday

Things I'm Thankful For Today:

-How calm Mark is when something goes wrong and is going to have a financial impact on us. Sometimes those impacts are hard to wrap my mind around with the single income. But, he's on it, and calm about it.

-My Jamberry business. It's not paying the "bills" just yet, (still it covers all it's own expenses and fun stuff like wine, hair cuts, race fees etc) but it may start paying the above mentioned, but not in detail, bill that we are facing.

-The cuddle time Sky asks for every morning. Makes the above stuff mentioned, but not in detail :), worth dealing with!

-The end of an era...I sold the jogging stroller this week. It made me a little sad, but we'll always have the stroller group and Santa 5K to look back on! So thankful for all the running time I got to spend with Sky thanks to this stroller! And, using that money for birthday dinner out with my man!

-Play dates with good friends. Let's be honest the play dates are more for the adults than the kiddo's, but they manage to have fun all the same!

 These girls have no fear at all!

-Fun nails, sparkly clothing, and a night out with Michelle tonight! Bonus, babysitter in the morning so I can sleep in! Thank you Michelle!

-New running shoes for my birthday. Hello Ultra Boost! We are going to log some miles together!

-Also thankful to have the perfect tank and headband for SB Wine Half...thank you Dad for everthing!

-That I'm ok being Sporty Spice. It's just who I am. I can clean up when I need to, but seriously this is so much more comfortable and practical day to day.

Sweatshirt Criss Cross from Athleta (Highly recommend it!), pants Aspire Ankle Pants Athleta (again highly recommend!), shoes adidas. I've worn this exact outfit Mond, Tues, and Wednesday. Don't judge. Thank you Dad!

Not a TT thing, but let's play a new game with pics. Since Sky is the only one with full length mirrors in her room I'm going to start hiding a small Olaf in all the pics I take (didn't do it the ones above) and you see if you can spot him. :) I'll clean the mirrors next time.

-For fun friends who give me ideas like hiding Olaf in pics! They make life fun!

-A Bowl Full of Lemons Spring Cleaning challenge. At the end of 30 days there will be things cleaned in this house that perhaps have never been cleaned before. :-/ No housewife of the year award here. 

What Are You Thankful For?

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