Wednesday, April 29, 2015

There's SUN in the PNW!

Something about the sunny, warm weather makes life feel so much more a vacation. Maybe it's eating dinner outside in the evenings. Or taking cuddle breaks outside, and reading books or magazines while the dog lounges and Sky plays. Sipping a cool crisp white wine in the warm afternoon sun with my babe...maybe it's all of it, but it just makes life feel more fun and relaxed. 

Evening adventures in the sun...looking out over the tracks in Steilacoom.

We are doing our best to enjoy this unseasonably nice sunny weather. I don't know that it will be this way year after year, so I'm/we are making the most of it! 

I planted the first of many (more to come!) portable square foot gardens. This one is all about the herbs. It's my first attempt so lets hope they grow!

I really thought Sky would be all about helping plant, but she wasn't. There's time though. Maybe vegetables will be more exciting for her. In the meantime her stuffed dog, Baby Bishop, is her constant companion. He goes everywhere with her, and if it's something she can't take him to he ends up riding in the car and keeping her company on the road. Bishop is still a daily conversation, and I'm thankful she has her stuffed Bishop look-a-like to help her through it.

 I totally benefit (or not depending on how snug the jeans are fitting) from Mark's food allergies. All the cheese and bread parings to myself! 
Give her some pretzels and let her smell the wine and she's good to go. 

The best part of all this sun is the spur of the moment walks that somehow turn into wine tasting! And, not just wine tasting, but chatting with the wine maker, who was in the tasting room that day, and tasting directly from the barrel. So good!

A wall of liquid goodness.

Sunglasses...adorable. And, she's decided she doesn't need the car seat any longer. Nice try Sky.

If I don't post much, ok I already don't post much so how about if I start posting even less, over the next few weeks it's because I'm traveling a bit, and the down time I do have is spent soaking up all that sun with my munchkin! 

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