Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Grown Up?

I asked Mark last night if he felt like a grown up and he said he was not sure what that meant exactly.

Even though I have a "real" job, pay a mortgage/car payment/camping trailer payment/bills, grocery shop, cook dinner, clean the house, babysit our friends kids, volunteer in the community I can't say that I feel like an adult.

I now have a lot of responsiblitites that my parents had and I remember thinking they were so grown up when I was little, but now that I am reaching some of the same milestones in life that they did I don't feel the way they looked in my mind gowing up.

I for sure live a responsible life, but at what point will I start to feel like a grown up?

Mark thinks when we have a kid of our own maybe that will change. But I'm not so sure. Despite all the responsible stuff we do life is just so much fun, and we enjoy our activities, family and friends so much that it just doesn't seem like being an adult should be this much fun.

I should probably sto pquestioning it and enjoy it while it lasts.


Beth said...

It didn't change w/kids for me, if anything, they make me feel even less like a grown up! They up life's 'fun factor' x's 100, hard to feel grown up when your crawling through the house making elephant sounds with them.
I totally understand this post, though. I remember telling kids at school my mom was 32, and that seemed so old to me. Now that's me, and I can't possibly be "that old"! Too funny.

JR said...

It didn't really change for me until about 7 years ago. I knew then I had to "grow up" or ????
Believe me, there are still times when I can't believe I'm a grown up. Smiling and laughing thru FAO Swartz or the wonder of Phantom on Broadway, I was truly a little kid in my wonder and enjoyment:-o
The point is, don't question it, just enjoy each day and each adventure as it comes. You both have remarkable lives, each in their own way, and I am so proud to be your Mother.

Unknown said...

You both make me smile!