Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy Friday Thoughts

-New Shoes: I hope to have a new pair of shoes waiting for me at home today. I always thought handbags were my fashion weakness, but I'm starting to think it may be shoes. As long as I don't spend money I don't have it is not a "shoe problem" though. ;)

My next new pair on the way from ShoeDazzle is Gwynn.

I love a cute pair of neutral flats for the summer! Even though it has a print to it the color is still neutral so I will be able to wear them with a ton of stuff! Can't wait!

-Hair cut: I can't wait for my hair cut tomorrow! I love getting it cut mostly because I love having someone else shampoo my hair. If only I were rich I would pay someone to do that for me every day! I'm sticking with basically the same cut, but am having her razor the heck out of it as it is way to thick!

-Softball Mitt: Mark helped me buy a mitt last night! I'm excited only because now I can start practicing so that maybe I won't be the weakest link on the team. :) Mark said he will practice catching with me all weekend which makes me feel better because that is what I need help with the most. Specifically pop flys. Plus, one of my co-workers who is a coach gave me some great pointers yesterday that address my fear of the ball. I am sort of looking forward to our first game now.

-Summer Schedule: We have so much stuff planned for the summer. The down side is I have to get our calendar under control. The last few days I have had one thing after another thrown at me and now I can't even find a weekend that Mark and I can have friends over for a summer BBQ! I have to start saying no to things. It is so hard though especially during the summer because we want to do fun stuff with friends in the sun. Plus, I made a commitment to the softball team, but am finding the practice schedule is causing some issues for me. But, as one of the outspoken ones who all but demanded mandatory practice I am not about to miss practice!

-Visiting with Jo: Jo and I have started booking back to back hair cut appointments so that we can meet early catch up and then keep each other company during our cuts. Plus, Jo is supper picky about the cut being perfect, so when I'm in the chair she makes sure Tiffany is doing exactly what I have asked for. Not that Tiffany ever doesn't do what I ask her to, but every once in a while there is a crazy hair that needs extra attention and Jo catches it every time. So looking forward to seeing her tomorrow!

-TGIF: So thankful this crazy work week is almost over!

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