Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Kickball Playoff Photos

Here are some of the photos Mark took on Sunday. All are before me getting kicked in the head.

Josh tossed me the ball and I caught it for the out...that happened all day which is why I was the MVP of the first game!

Mark kicking...not sure who took this photo.

Kyle kicking...looks like he is dancing a jig!

Nice pose Kev!!

Mark and I waiting for the 2nd game to start.

Me and Kiera...have no idea what this new face is about!


JR said...

As your Mom, I want to see the head-kick pictures. How are you feeling now?

Unknown said...

Hey Mom,
I'm feeling better today. Still dizzy, but not as dizzy as the last few days. My head and eye and cheeck are still really sore, but that is just from the impact of the kick. I'm really glad nothing broke!