Sunday, January 20, 2013

I Love Long Weekends!

Do you know how much I love that tonight is a weekend night for Mark?  It hardly matters to Sky and I what day it is, our days are pretty much all the same.  But, there is a bathroom to be worked on and a little girl that LOVES having her Daddy around.  So we are happy around here. 

I totally called it in my previous post...San Fran and Baltimore in the SB, also known as the Brother Bowl!  I kinda like that aspect of the story line.  I just hope that San Fran gets it done! 

Big steps around here!  Sky is now drinking out of a "real" cup.  It's not even really a cup, it's her snack bowl with the lid taken off.  But, it's perfect because the sides are short, she can see what she's doing, and there are handles on both sides.  She is just growing up so darn fast. 

I totally feel like I slacked on running last week.  Just wasn't feeling it.  I sort of feel like I may be fighting a cold, I know for a fact my trial pair of contacts are making me motion sick and that makes it really hard to run, and just feeling blah. 

This week is a new week though...the only day I don't have running plans is Thursday.  Looking forward to a running jump-start this week! 

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