Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Totally Random

-No running today, unless you count chasing Sky.  Had a meeting last night, and have plans tomorrow night, so the evening group run is out...don't like missing that many bed times in a row. 

-So excited to try out the new Air Popper.  Ever since finding out that there is a cancer connection to microwave popcorn we have given it up, but I miss my popcorn!  So air popper it is...isn't it cute?!

-What the heck happened to ND last night?  What a sad game.  Alabama made them look like a JR. High team.  But, isn't the Alabama QB's girlfriend cute?  Saw a lot of her during the game. 

-Hope that RGIII makes a recovery and is able to return to the NFL...not sounding good for him, made me ill to see the slow-mo of his injury.

-I hope that the 49'rs take care of Green Bay because I like Colin Kaepernick, but that game is going to be a big, bit test for Colin!

-I predict the Hawks crush the Falcons this weekend. 

-Snow, really want some significant snow on the ground! 

-Looking forward to the Good Form running clinic I'm going to tomorrow night.  With all the miles I have in store this year it will helpful to know I'm running correctly!  It's hands on, and we run during the clinic...so excited, oh and it's FREE! 

-Hoping that the sniffles I have don't turn in to anything more than just sniffles.  Mostly I want to be able to visit Grandpa in Seattle, he checks in on the 15th, and I know I can't if I'm sick. 

-#1 best decision I have made so far this year...turning off the notifications on my phone.  I don't need all the Facebook updates popping up all the time, all the sports scores, etc.  I check those things still, but now instead of feeling compelled to check my phone every time it chimes, I do it when and if I want to.  It's on my terms.  Instead of letting technology happen to me I'm taking control of it and making it work for me!  I feel so much less cluttered! 

-Favorite sound in the world...Sky's feet thundering through the house.  She loves to run around and around the kitchen and all I can hear is the thud, thud, thud of her feet and her giggles! 

Off to pop some popcorn now! 

1 comment:

popeye said...

I don’t know where to start in trying to articulate how I feel. I have lost two sisters, a mom, and I am going to lose dad, and Stan is still day to day. The verdict is still out on him. Still, I don’t feel for myself. What really hits me the hardest is the fact that Stan was only weeks from dieing when mom passed on. Now that he stands a chance of beating his cancer he knows he is going to lose his dad. At the same time he has to worry about himself getting through this. Stan has changed as a human being. He has gone through worse than hell. Just ask his son. It has changed him. He wants to use what time he has left to make up for all the things he didn’t do as a son, as a father, and as a member of the family. I watched Stan beg dad to keep on living so Stan could get to know him, to show him love, and to wait on him, and to do for him. He didn’t get that chance with mom. I think I am holding up to all this because of all the good I have in life. Despite the loses, I am truly the most fortunate man in the world. What is left of my immediate family is so special that I will be fine, I will be OK.