Monday, January 21, 2013

Pancakes For Breakfast

Well, another day and no running.  Sky is sick and while I probably could put her in the jogger and ignore her nasty cough and screaming that would surly follow I'm not going to. 

I'm a mommy first and a runner second, or third, or changes as needed. 

So, nap time will be Pilates or P90X for me. 

The nice part about not running this morning is I got to have blueberry pancakes with my girl and a big old cup of coffee.  No, pre-run boring breakfast, and for that I'm thankful!  I have been craving blueberry pancakes for weeks! 

Oh, and while I could run while she is napping I'm not going to because Mark is working on the bathroom today.  It's time to pick out the tile people!!!  Making some serious progress on getting the bathroom done, and I'm not willing to risk Sky having a coughing fit or feeling like she wants to be held and cuddled for her nap, and interrupting Mark.

The upside of her being sick...all the extra cuddles.  It's exhausting, but lovely at the same time. 

Running shoes better be ready for tomorrow night run club though...I plan getting a strong fast run in!

P.S. Anyone want to place bets on if it will be done before March, that is the 1 year mark for this remodel! 

As stated in previous posts...nothing against him.  He works on it in between his job, vacations, family time with Sky, a summer full of camping and has had to deal with multiple unexpected issues that have been found along the way. 

Can't wait to have my own bathroom again!!! 

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