Monday, January 6, 2014

Family Running Time

100% of my 2014 runs have been with the babe and the baby...that is so strange for me, and really wonderful at the same time. 

I know most runners would refer to it as junk miles, but I have to say there is something to be said for non-training runs!  Running, for fun, in the company of my two favorite junk in that!  It's a lot more relaxed, miles and pace don't matter at all, and I get to take a lot more pictures than normal. 

I usually try and limit the stroller running to 1 run a week, that's what works best for me, but I'm finding that with the more relaxed pace I'm able to focus on foot strike and cadence, and it's actually working really well for me. 

This week was going to be my get back to normal week, but since Mark is working from home all week it's actually going to include more stroller running, but I'm totally ok with that!  I want to take advantage of all this family running time while I can! 

Our Friday run in the sun!  That's Mark way ahead and me trying to catch up...I did eventually!

I actually get good speed work in when we run together.  If I need to stop for any reason, tying a shoe/getting a rock out of my shoe, Mark keeps going and then I get to sprint to catch up.  Great way to blast my legs and get a bit of speed work in!

Anyone else out there run with their sig other/kiddos?  

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