Thursday, January 16, 2014

Thankful Thursday

Today I'm thankful for:

-Cute, underage drivers!

I guess Sky didn't trust Reagan's ability?  

Sky was so happy!

-For a best friend that takes me to concerts with her!  So excited for JT tomorrow!  
-For fun nail polish, what else am I going to do when I can't sleep and am up until 4am?!

It only lasted a day, super pretty but it was really way flashy.  Next time I will only do one nail! 

-For fresh produce!  There are some places in the world that don't have fresh veggies and fruits sitting around in grocery stores waiting to be purchased.  I'm thankful that we do!

-For Football Sunday this week!  The games should be pretty great, I'm predicting better than whatever the SB match-up ends up being.  Since it's the last two games before SB I'm glad they are going to be good! 

-That I got a full nights sleep last night after only getting 3 the night before.  

-That Elya can start running!  First run post-baby on Wednesday!  I have missed her so much!

-For cute hats.  This may be the worst of the "I'm growing my hair out" stages ever!  I can't handle it most days.

-For my babe and my baby.  Those two know how to make me so happy and content.  It's not always roses and sunshine around here, but these are the two I want to go through all the not fun stuff with, and all the fun stuff as well.  

What are you thankful for today?

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