Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Sunny in the PNW!

P.S. Sometimes the P.S. has to come first!  I added a new tab under the header: Race Bucket List!  Go check it out and let me know what races I'm missing!  I decided I needed a place to keep track of races I want to do rather than doing a post a year about it and then forgetting.  

No snow here.  I don't think there are very many times anyone can be envious of the weather we have in the PNW, but given the winter storms and snow/cold parts of the country are getting...this is the place to be right now!  Ok, maybe SoCal has us beat, but still it's pretty darn nice here right now in comparison to winter storms and snow!

Perfect running weather!

Normally I run with the Fleet Feet run group Tuesday nights, but given the sun and the pretty pink in the sky I opted to run with the babe and baby in daylight.  That is Mt. Rainier over my shoulder.  I LOVE that this park is within running distance from our front door and I can make routes between 3 to 10 miles depending on what I need.  We got in 3.96 miles with me pushing the stroller.  Such a hard leg workout for me pushing that thing on muddy trails and up hills (thank you to the babe for co-pushing the stroller up the last killer hill). Trail running is hard but trail running with a stroller is even harder!  

I have said it before, but I'm so thankful that we have an amazing jogging stroller, and that I get to run with my two favorite people.  It's pretty special to share what I love with my two first loves!  I'm one happy runner tonight...could be due to the good wine.  ;-)

In other running news I just finalized plans to run 5 Mile Drive Sat morning with Michelle.  I'm scared!  I haven't run 5MD in a very long time, and have not run hills since the Run For A Soldier the end of Sep.  It's been all flat and easy sailing for me since then.  It's going to kick my butt, but I'm looking forward to the punishment!  I feel the need for a good hard hilly run!

Update - I mentioned yesterday that Sky's toddler bed broke and we were getting a new one, well she LOVES it!!!

Thank you Tara and Les for hooking us up with a really nice free bed!  

The sheets look red but they are really hot pink (there is pink in the comforter).  It took a ridiculous amount of time to pick out the bedding. Thank goodness Sky is a patient little girl because we wondered up and down the bedding isles at Target for way, way, way too long.  We didn't want tons of pink and are planning on painting her room (why the heck did we think yellow was a good option in the first place?!) so got bedding in the hues we are considering for wall color.

I'm always a bit worried that big changes will cause nap and bed-time issues, but apparently we are lucky because Sky continues to be a great sleeper!  She is very proud of the big girl bed and new bedding.  She talks about it all the time and wants to hang out on her bed as much as possible.  And, of course she loves jumping on it.  It's bigger and even bouncier than the old one.  That's one of those things we just aren't going to fight, she loves jumping and it makes her happy, so we let her go for it!

To those living and running in the winter storm path stay warm and stay safe!

What's the weather like where you are?

Any races I need to add to my bucket list?   


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