Friday, January 24, 2014

Unplanned Rest Day and Chocolate Chili From the Kitchen

Thank Goodness It's Friday Rest-day!  I totally planned on running today, but after my pilates session yesterday my legs have been cramping and twitching non-stop.  I must have done something right because I feel it today for sure!  I'm putting my ProCompression to good use and thankfully the twitching has calmed down.  But, given the hilly 5 miles I have planned tomorrow I thought a rest day along with stretching and trigger pointing would be a good idea.  Maybe some wine too, yeah that makes everything better!  

It's probably for the best anyway.  Sky has the beginnings of a cold and is cranky, cranky, cranky!  She is asking for cuddles and hugs non-stop, which I don't mind, and the rest of the time she is upset, whining and crying at the drop of a hat. 

In less than .01 of a second she went from happy to sad all because I used the wrong color to draw a circle for her.  It's really hard being almost 3.  Can I just point out how cute her new headband is!  She pointed it out at the store and asked for it and I couldn't resist getting it for her.  

I haven't shared a recipe in a long time...I'm still cooking away, just trying so many yummy new recipes I get stuck figuring out which one to share.  This Chocolate Chili was a huge hit with all three of us.  I was a little skeptical of chocolate and chili together but it was pleasantly surprising and not spicy. 

Gluten free cornbread and avocado were the perfecting way to top it off.  Another great recipe from Well can find the link to the recipe HERE.  It's quick, easy, yummy and totally worth giving a try.

How many rest day's a week do you take?
More than I should!

Are rest days truly a rest day for you, or do you still do something low impact like walking or yoga?
Football Sunday is a true, sit on my a$$ all day, rest day. 

Have a great weekend everyone!  I don't know how much I will post since the weather is supposed to be really decent, so Sky and I will be making the most of it while Mark works on finishing the master bathroom.  Doing a happy dance about that!!!


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