Thursday, January 21, 2010

5 Times

I realized this morning while I was on the phone with 911 that this is the 5th time in 5 years that we have had to call the police. That seems like a lot to me. I have only personally called 911 once in my life prior to buying this house!

It all started this morning with me waking up to someone yelling, "Help me, please someone help me" over and over and over. I woke Mark up and he told me to call 911 while he debated going outside to see what was going on. Dispatch said it was a good idea to just stay in the house and let the police handle it.

An hour later the responding officer calls to let me know he is outside the house and can't find anything out of place. I let him know that I had called an hour prior and had not heard the yelling for some time. He apologized for taking so long to respond...apparently there was a bomb threat and they are short staffed and didn't have an officer to send our direction.

Hopefully whoever needed the help got it and all is well. Mark's comment as he was falling back to sleep, "I want to live in the country". The only problem with that is that if you live far enough out 911 can't find your house when you need them to. Learned that as a child growing up in the country.

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