Monday, October 24, 2011

No I'm NOT Worried

I get that question a lot, in relation to am I worried about finding a job when it's time to go back to work. 

First of all I have a job.  It's called being a Mom and it's 24/7, 365 days a year. 

Second, there are jobs out there to be had.  I may not land my dream job (because I already have my dream job being Sky's Mom and Mark's Wife) but, if we need the money and I really need to get out there working there are jobs I can and will do if I have to. 

I can always keep looking for that dream job while working at a less than dreamy job. 

Third, I have a lot of great skills from working in HR/Recruiting and all my volunteer work with the ACS. 

Fourth, Mark has a great job that pays well.  We can totally make it work on a single income if we want to.  We may not be able to travel like we would like, or move into the next "bigger/better" house as soon as we would like, but that's ok if that's how it goes. 

So, no I'm not worried finding work when it's time to do so. 

What I am worried about is that one of these days I'm going to punch someone in the face for asking me crazy questions/suggesting being a stay at home Mom is the equivalent of watching TV and eating  bon-bons all day. 

I find it interesting that most of these conversations/comments take place with perfect strangers.  I think people who know me know the truth and/or know better than to make anger inducing comments to me.  :)   


JR said...

You are doing the most important job in the world. AND you are great at it.

Beth said...

I, too, get this attitude often from others. It's hard for them to fathom that I don't "have a job", yet keep amazingly busy all day.
I dont' care if they think it, I just don't want to hear it : )