Monday, October 17, 2011


There goes the blogging streak.  I can't even say I forgot, because I didn't.  I just got caught up spending time with  Mark, and felt like that was more important than blogging. 

Sky's bed time has been between 10 and 10:30, which is after Mark goes to bed, and because she is up with us in the evenings, it has prevented us from watching movies together, snuggled up on the couch.

While her late bed time kept us from watching not baby ok TV, it did mean she would sleep through the night until 8 or 9 the next morning, so was totally worth it.  

Now that Sky is rolling over in her sleep and getting stuck on her tummy, crying until I get up and flip her back over onto her back, I have been putting her to bed earlier since she isn't sleeping through the night anyway.

Sky was in bed at 8'ish last night and that meant Mark and I were able to watch the season premier of one of our favorite shows last night, snuggled on the couch with wine, without computers.

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