Thursday, October 20, 2011

Too Sore to Type

That's my story as to why I didn't post yesterday, and I'm sticking to it.  :)

Let's just say I'm 36, not 26 and doing Stroller Fitness in the morning and playing dodgeball in the evening, after running around having fun all day, was a bit more than my body should really have to deal with.

I was counting on us having a full dodgeball team last night, which means with the rotation we get to rest and play every-other game, but that was not to be.  We had exactly 6 people for our toughest match up of the season, no rest for any of us.

Let's just say that doing 100 squats, 50 lunges on each leg, sprints, 100 push ups, 100 sit-ups then trying (key word being TRYING) to play dodgeball doesn't work very well.  I felt like I was trudging through concrete, I couldn't move, and my arms were so sore I couldn't throw or catch anything.  By the last three games I was having muscle cramps in my just wasn't a fun night at all.

I feel an obligation to the team, but I also feel an obligation to myself to get a good workout and hit my fitness goals.  Not sure what/if I will do anything different next week.  I just hope we have a full team next week.

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