Friday, October 14, 2011

Streak Update

I will be honest...I have been much better with my blogging streak than my workout streak.

First of all, the week before a race I don't do any exercise after Wednesday (for a Saturday Race) and I have two races this month.

Second, stroller fitness class is kicking my a$$!  By the end of the day after a morning class I'm so tired I can't stand it.  Not sleepy tired, but physically exhausted.  I'm so sore the next day I can hardly lift my arms enough to wash my hair.

On top of being sore I have a 14 plus pound baby that has decided she wants to be held, standing, All. The. Time.  She wants to see what's going on and wants to be with me (or Mark when he is home) all the time.

So I spend my off days with a baby Moby wrapped to me which means instead of bending over to pick stuff up/take dishes out of the dishwasher or put them in/put laundry away in the bottom dresser drawers I have to squat down to do it.  If I bend over Sky thinks she is going to fall out and losses it.  Plus when I'm folding cloths/doing dishes I have to hold my arms way out in front of me to accommodate Sky being strapped to my chest.

On top of that she likes constant motion, so I'm walking, dancing, swaying the whole time I'm wearing her.

I sort of decided that wearing her is just as much of a work out as working out.

My last issue was I didn't have the infant insert for the "real" jogging stroller, and while my regular stroller is a jogging stroller it doesn't have any bad weather protection.  The "real" jogging stroller has bad weather flaps, but without the infant insert I can't put Sky in it, so my running has been suffering as well.

(Thankfully there is a lot of running and speed work in stroller fitness, so I'm still getting some great run training in.) 

So, there was a big old kink in my workout plan.  But, like I said the stroller fitness class is more like boot camp so I wasn't sweating the non-streak I had going on.

The good news is I installed the infant insert in the "real" jogging stroller and I have to say the whole set up looks pretty bad a$$!!  I put Sky in it this evening to fit the harness, made sure the weather protection flaps work and I am good to go for my 5 mile drive run tomorrow morning.

I'm not the only one in class taking the 6 week challenge seriously.  There is a group organizing runs on our days off.  So tomorrow morning is my first run with some of the ladies from stroller fitness.  I can't wait to get the real jogging stroller out there and see how we do! 

I have not had any cheese and have lost 2lbs this week!



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