Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Half Fanatic #5024...that's me!  I spent some time on the fanatic site today updating my profile, adding myself to the 1/2 I'm registered for next year, and adding my race history.  And, yes I had a huge smile on my face the whole time!

It almost makes me cry just thinking about it.  I was so anti running for so long, and then so I'll never run more than a 5K, and then I don't know what happened.  Somehow I fell in love with running and started setting a yearly running goal.  Last year was to run a race a month for a year, but due to injury I only got 10 races in.  I did it this year though!  I set my goal and I reached it!!!! 

Don't worry, I'll get this out of my system and stop posting about it all the time.  But, right now it's still so new and I'm still really proud of myself for doing it.  Plus, I kind of feel like as long as my legs are sore enough to remind me that I ran a hilly race then I can keep being excited/proud about it.  ;-)

I'm slowly moving on though.  I'm already considering what my 2014 running goal will be.  I think I'm settled on it, but not sure enough to share yet.  Interesting tidbit...I have finished all 4 halves within a 4 minute window.  I'm nothing if not consistent...may be time to change that though.    

One thing I didn't like was turning my calendar to Oct and seeing this...

...a blank month.  For the last 5 months every month has been inked in with training runs and races, and it's strange having a blank month.  So, to fill it up I added my 30 day challenge schedule.  Love seeing what I need to do inked in each and every day! 

Today starts a 30 day plank and squat challenge.  Both of which I found on Pinterest.  I find it hard to believe I'll be doing a 5 minute plank by day 30, but I'm going to!  I'm going to have to wait a few days to start the squat challenge though.  Given the fact that my legs are still sore and I'm still having muscle spasms in the hamstrings I think it best to let them rest a few more days. 

Laying low today.  I feel like my body knows my big challenge is over and it's now ok to get sick.  My sinuses are acting up and just feel tired and sore.  Some of that is from the race I know, but I totally feel a cold coming on too.  Enjoying this last day to lay around lazy (I did do my plank challenge for the day though) in pj's, but also looking forward to getting my running legs back and joining the stroller group tomorrow for a fun easy 3 miles. 

What's your biggest running, or other fitness related, accomplishment? 



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