Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful that I still got a run in even though I had decided not to run today.  I was bummed that I woke up with my hip really hurting me on top of not sleeping worth crap last night.  Since I'm not training for anything I figured taking an unexpected rest day isn't the end of the world. 

Apparently Sky didn't get the memo.  I thought that when I took her to the park she would want to play, but I kid you not when I say the first words our of her mouth were, "I run, run", and off across the soccer fields she went.

I was walking behind her letting her do her thing, but she wasn't having it.  She kept stopping and waiting for me, and once I'd catch up she'd grab my hand and say, "I help Mommy run, run". 

Let's just say she knows me too well.  Of course I had to give in and run with her, back and forth across the soccer field.  We did that three times before she got down to the business of playing! 

Playing her own song on the bells.

She totally posed for this one!
A few other things I'm thankful for:
-That there is a Goodwill drop just a few minutes from our house.  I swear every week I think surely there is nothing more to clean out/get rid of, but every week I take on average two garbage bags full of stuff.  And, that isn't counting the stuff I'm setting aside to pass on to friends who are pregnant/already have baby girls.  
-That I discovered as an avenue to clean out my closet a bit, and potentially make some money.  I have a hard time not trying to get something out of my high-end denim.  It's in great shape, but I either just don't wear it enough to justify the space it takes up, or it doesn't fit perfect anymore.  I have a few pair I'm holding on to because I do wear them all the time, but the others had to go.  (I'm actually waiting to see what of my stuff they will accept and what the offer will be...I'll share the results once I hear from them).  
-For cozy, snuggly pj's because today is one of those days that I just don't feel good and need to be snuggly and comfortable.  I feel like I've been on the edge of being sick ever since Race For a Soldier...if it's going to happen, just happen already!!!!  I am thankful at times like this that I don't have a "real" job.  So much easier to feel sick'ish at home in pj's playing with my favorite little girl in the world!
-Salted Caramel Mochas...they also make feeling sick'ish easier to deal with. 
-That this weeks menu is almost over!  I clearly was distracted when meal planning this time because every single dish was pasta.  I finally snagged a meal from next weeks menu just so we could get a carb break!  (And, that is why being gluten free does not necessarily = losing weight...hello rice and corn pasta!)  Usually when meal planning I take in to consideration how many pasta/grilled meat/Mexican dishes are on the menu each week.  I try to add lot's of variety so we don't get bored, but I failed this time around.
Tell me two things you're thankful for this week! 
Anyone else out there meal plan?

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