Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sky Pic and Weekend Catch-up

A quick weekend update first.  Some of our plans fell through, but that's ok.  Sky and I were happy to have some unexpected free time together and Mark made good process on the bathroom!  Truth be told it gave me a few hours to watch the live feed from Ironman Hawaii and to track Hines Ward.  I loved watching his splits at each checkpoint and "seeing" how he was doing.  Finished in a little over 13 hours! 

Weekend started with Friday Night Movie Night!

It's rare around here that we have an overnight babysitter, but for some party's it's just necessary!  Any time we head out to Joey's it's best to hire a babysitter and plan for a fun, late night! 

Have you heard of the game Cards Against Humanity?  It's totally inappropriate, offensive, vulgar, cry until you pee your pants and spit alcohol out your nose type of game.  Check it out HERE
We had so much fun it was ridiculous! 

Went to a double baptism this morning, and now, finally am home recovering, resting, and not running.  I really, really, really want to run, but am so tired and feel worn out, and like I may be on the verge of getting really sick.  So, as much as I feel like a bum for not running on such a huge running weekend (Ironman, Chicago Marathon, Long Beach Marathon, Pt. Defiance Ultra), I think it's in my best interest to rest.  Especially since we have nothing but months worth of busy, busy weekends ahead of us. 

Some random Sky pics that I have not had a chance to post...

 Opening gifts from Grandma...she was so excited!
Hot wind in her hair!

I hope you all had a great weekend!  The Steelers finally won, so I'm pretty darn happy! 

Tell me something fun  you did this weekend!

Anyone else follow live race feeds?  Which ones? 

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