Friday, October 18, 2013

Loving My Running Life!!!

I actually have a DIY project, and decoration challenge/solution to share, but first I must share the awesome little run I had today! 

Numbers are a love hate thing for me when it comes to running, and health in general.  On one hand numbers are the proof positive way to determine gains/losses, improvement/declines, strength/weakness, winners/losers etc.  On the other hand, numbers can lead to a lot of judgments and comparisons from others, and from ourselves.  

When I mention numbers it's not really to say look how amazing I am, or how fast I am, it's really just a reference point for how far I've come.  I started out running 12'ish minute miles (which was really hard for me) and felt content with that.  So, it's shocking to look at the Garmin and see anything under 10 min miles. 

Today I saw sub 9!  Not only that, but I felt good, like I could keep going at that pace for much longer than I did!  I stopped after 2.3, because I was hitting the uphill section to get back to the house, and needed to stretch out the hip (it feels awesome while running except for hills) before taking on the hill from the lake back up through the college.

Since the first two miles were in the 8's I thought I would take the last, mostly uphill, mile home easy and comfortable.  Ummm, since when was anything under 10 easy and comfortable?  Again I'm shocked to find that my comfortable, I feel like I can do this forever, pace is getting closer and closer to a 9 minute mile!  I'm loving this whole running thing! 

On to my nap-time projects from yesterday! 

Does anyone else have a huge, ugly electric panel just out in the open with no idea how to make it look nice?  We do!  It's in the dinning room, and while our dinning room is super casual it's still not nice to look at.  So I came up with this solution...

    Great use of 4x4 instagram prints!
Mark actually has a great idea to cover it up by extending the curtain rod/curtain past the window to cover it up, and make it look like the window is much bigger than it is.  But, I know it will take us some time to find new curtain's and rods, so this is my solution until then. 
Any other A Beautiful Mess blog followers out there?  If you don't follow them, you should!  So creative and colorful and just fun!  Check em out HERE !
I got the idea from THIS  post to mod podge my instagram photos to a 12x12 canvas!  I had run out of room on the refrigerator for all my instagram prints, so needed to figure out something to do with them.     
Vacation canvas above and Sky canvas below.

Since they print 4x4 a 12x12 canvas should fit 9 pics perfectly.  It doesn't by the way, they hang over the edges a bit and overlap each other.  But in theory it should work.  Anyway, they didn't turn out as awesome as I had hoped they would.  It looks ok, but I'm not in love with the final outcome.  Not sure how much I like working with mod podge, and how it looks painted over the pics.  I would maybe cut the borders off all the pics and if there was any canvas showing between the pics use colored sharpies to add jot's of color between the pictures.  I don't know though that I will try this project again to see if that would look good or not.  If you give it a go let me know!   

I do love this little project though...

...since I only had two black and white prints I got 4x4 canvases and mod podged a picture to each one.  There are miniature easels you can get for the 4x4 canvases for easy display.  So cute! 
Any DIY success or disasters to share? 
Running plans this weekend?
I want to get a 5 to 7 mile run in, but just depends on the weekend goes.  When I don't have a race on the books I try and spend as much time with my babe and baby as possible.  We will be at Graces first finish line Saturday night!!!  So excited to see her finish her very first race!
Have a great weekend! 

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